The Fox Sisters: A Short Film by The Animation Workshop


Fox Sisters framed

“The Fox Sisters” is an animated short film created in 2010 by Stine Nymand Svensson and Elianna Morningstar Hansen as part of The Animation Workshop.  The video is based on a concept by Laura Büchert Schjødt and is loosely based on the story of the Hydesville Fox sisters who gave birth to the Spiritualist movement in the United States. The film portrays older sister Leah abandoning younger sisters Katie and Maggie, then constructs an account of their childhood showing the siblings falling into questionable professional and family customs. This short film is beautifully animated. The colors and imagery of “The Fox Sisters” reflect the darkness of the fictionalized characters’ experience.

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5 TV Shows to Obsess Over if You Love Supernatural

What would Cas watch?

What would Cas watch?

After surpassing 200 episodes, Supernatural continues to give us television that is exciting, fun, scary, and emotionally driven. Though the show was originally intended to be five seasons long, it has continued because viewers appreciate the compelling characters, well written storylines, and what the actors bring to Supernatural. When having a craving to watch the Winchesters protect each other or battle evil, there are some other television shows that Supernatural fans may enjoy as well. See why Teen Wolf, The Walking Dead, The 100, Constantine, or Spooked could become your new obsession.

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Doctor Puppet Christmas Special: The Planet that Came for Christmas


Doctor Puppet

As December 25 rolls around, we look forward to waking up early, opening presents, enjoying a delicious meal, and then watching the Doctor Who Christmas special, “Last Christmas,” with family and friends. The Doctor Who Christmas special, now in its 10th year, has become an institution, but a new tradition has emerged – the Doctor Puppet Christmas Special. Doctor Puppet was created by Alisa Stern and now she and her team regularly entertain us with Doctor Puppet episodes. This year they have created a fantastic short called The Planet that Came for Christmas, in which the Twelfth Doctor and companion Clara travel to a planet that only appears once a year – on Christmas Day. What they find provides the viewer with that spooky holiday spirit that we love.

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Doctor Who: Christmas Specials from Best to Worst


FC and his elves arrive 2 pix watercolor

The Doctor Who Christmas special “Last Christmas” will show at 6:15pm on BBC One and 9:00pm ET on BBC America on December 25. It will mark the 10th anniversary of the Doctor Who Christmas special. The convention of having a episode on Christmas Day was started in 2005, with the new series of Doctor Who, and has grown increasingly popular. They are set during the holidays, always involve snow, and, unless the Doctor has just regenerated, they often end with the Doctor standing outside the TARDIS being asked to come to Christmas dinner.

We have enjoyed all of the Doctor Who Christmas episodes so far, but we have certainly enjoyed some more than others. Part of ranking these specials is to understand they are not just regular episodes. They are watched on Christmas Day, with family and friends, to a larger than normal audience. On such a day we expect the Doctor to do more than be heroic, clever, and funny—he should also make us more merry. The storyline, performance, and engagement are important considerations, but holiday spirit is key when ranking the Doctor Who Christmas specials.

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Constantine S01E08 Recap: The Saint of Last Resorts, Part 1


talons“The Saint of Last Resorts” is the first half of a two-episode story. The second half will air in its new 8pm time slot on Friday, January 16, 2015. There are a lot of references to new groups and creatures, so a little explanation of terminology may be in order.

La Brujeria in Swamp Thing  #46 (Moore/Bissette/Totleben)

La Brujeria in Swamp Thing #46 “Revelations”  (Moore/Bissette/Totleben)

•Brujeria: The Brujeria are members of an ancient coven of warlocks from South America. They are incredibly evil, and for centuries have worked toward the goal of destroying Heaven and unleashing powerful entities of greatest malevolence upon the earthly plane in pursuit of that goal. The Rising Darkness is not just facilitating their plans—the Brujeria are in fact the actual cause of the Rising Darkness. They are that powerful and malicious. The Brujeria’s “central committee” is called The Council of the Cave, the members of which are under the protection of a monster of their own creation: the invunche. Continue reading

Monster of the Week: The Beholder

Beholder by Hungrysparrow

Beholder © by Hungrysparrow at Deviantart.

The Beholder is a cruel and rapacious monster from the world of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). Unlike most other creatures found in the various versions of the role-playing game since its original 1974 release, the Beholder is unique to the D&D realms, and not based on any other monster.

Usually found underground in large, cavernous spaces, the Beholder is a floating monster with a spherical shape. It has one large eye, and ten smaller eyes on stalks. The D&D Monster Manual describes the Beholder’s appearance as “covered in chitinous plates, scales, or leathery flesh. Its great bulging eye sits above a wide, toothy maw, while the smaller eyestalks that crown its body twist and turn to keep its foes in sight.” Continue reading

Supernatural: Remembering Bobby Singer – Part 2 Favorite Quotes


The character of Bobby Singer has had a big impact on the series Supernatural. Bobby is gone, but certainly not forgotten. In fact, he continues to return to the series in various ways. Bobby is the longest running character on Supernatural besides SamBobby 7x10 2 pix round and Dean. In the first part of this series, “Supernatural: Remembering Bobby Singer – Part 1 History” we explored Bobby relationship with the Winchester brothers, as well as the way he assisted the entire hunting community. For the second part of this series, we are revisiting our favorite quotes of Bobby Singer throughout the Supernatural series. His words and unique phrases are reminders of why we love this character so much.

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Supernatural: Remembering Bobby Singer – Part 1 History

Meet Bobby Singer

Meet Bobby Singer

Bobby Singer (Jim Beaver) is the only character besides Sam and Dean to have appeared in every season of Supernatural. Jim Beaver will return to the series again during season 11. Bobby was a Winchester family friend who evolved into a father figure to the brothers after John’s death. Bobby was also a skilled hunter in his own right and an invaluable resource for the hunter community. So why not take a moment to remember Bobby Singer?

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Supernatural S10E09 Recap: The Things We Left Behind

Sad angel, trying to right his wrongs

Sad angel, trying to repair that which he has left behind

“The Things We Left Behind” touches on serious themes as Supernatural reaches its mid-season finale. The undercurrent of this episode lies in how our families shape who we are. Though the importance of family in determining who we are and what we choose to do is one of the main themes of Supernatural generally, this episode takes it further by exploring how personal choices affect members of our family. We begin to see reflection on the consequences of actions taken by Castiel and Dean. Rowena’s impact on Crowley and the legacy it has borne starts to become more evident as well. There are things that our characters may have thought, or hoped, they had left behind, but this episode reveals what they still carry with them and what might not be so easily forgotten.

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