Supernatural S10E20 Recap: Angel Heart


Claire sword Supernatural Angel HeartIn “Angel Heart,” Supernatural gives us a stand-alone episode that ties up some loose ends from Season 10. It’s fun to see the Winchester brothers helping out Cas. Dean can benefit from helping a friend in order to tone down the murderous impulses of the Mark. It also gives Sam the chance to get out of his head and away from his own Mark-related obsession. When we see that Claire Novak’s mother Amelia is being held captive by a supernatural creature, “Angel Heart” reminds us that there are still lots of monsters to hunt in the world of Supernatural.

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Supernatural S10E10 Recap: The Hunter Games

The Mark of Cain weighs heavy on Dean

The Mark of Cain weighs heavy on Dean

The midseason break left us clamoring for the return of Supernatural to find out what the rest of Season 10 has in store for us. “The Hunter Games” brings us back to the stories we visited in “What we Left Behind,” which are: What the hell is the Mark of Cain doing to Dean? What is Cas going to do about Claire? What does Rowena want, and what will Crowley do about it? We don’t get all the answers, but we do get to dig in to a very satisfying episode of Supernatural.

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Supernatural S10E09 Recap: The Things We Left Behind

Sad angel, trying to right his wrongs

Sad angel, trying to repair that which he has left behind

“The Things We Left Behind” touches on serious themes as Supernatural reaches its mid-season finale. The undercurrent of this episode lies in how our families shape who we are. Though the importance of family in determining who we are and what we choose to do is one of the main themes of Supernatural generally, this episode takes it further by exploring how personal choices affect members of our family. We begin to see reflection on the consequences of actions taken by Castiel and Dean. Rowena’s impact on Crowley and the legacy it has borne starts to become more evident as well. There are things that our characters may have thought, or hoped, they had left behind, but this episode reveals what they still carry with them and what might not be so easily forgotten.

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