Monster of the Week: Kumiho

The Kumiho is a Korean nine-tailed fox. Image: Gumiho by canitiem at deviant art.

The Kumiho is a Korean nine-tailed fox.
Image: Gumiho by canitiem at deviant art.

The Kumiho (구미호), or Gumiho*, is a nine-tailed fox spirit. In Korean tradition foxes that have lived for a thousand years, accumulating a great deal of energy, turn into Kumiho. The Kumiho is similar to other fox creatures, such as the Japanese kitsune and Chinese huli jing. Though they have similar magical abilities and longevity, Kumiho are more malevolent than other fox spirits. Of these long-lived legendary creatures, the Kumiho is the only fox that kills and eats humans.

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Monster of the Week: Kitsune

Stone Kitsune

Stone Kitsune. Image from Japan Travel Guide

Kitsune are mischievious fox spirits. The term kitsune means “fox” in Japanese, but when used in English it refers to the mystical foxes of Japanese folklore. Kitsune are a type of yōkai, a creature with supernatural abilities. They are similar to the wild foxes found throughout the world, but for their magical powers. Continue reading

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